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Just One Thing

When you feel like you have too much to do,

do one thing.

Set your intention to simple:

a single step, 

a gentle smile,

a slow touch.

The busyness becomes quiet,

the sense of harriedness lifts,

the day blooms like a flower petal,

softly opening,

freshly scented.

All that needs to be done,

will be done,

one peaceful breath at a time.


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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sat 10th Aug 2024 10:41

Thanks Hélène. KISS, as some one once advised me: Keep It Simple, Stupid!😉

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Tim Higbee

Fri 9th Aug 2024 14:07

Helene, whether recognized or not it is the right word for this. It lends to the transition of moving from rushed and hectic into the calm, peaceful, breathing.
Nice feeling!

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Fri 9th Aug 2024 13:16

Is "harriedness" a recognized word? Probably not, but should it be? I couldn't think of any other word or phrase to use in its place that went with the rhythm of the poem.

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