The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Vortex of Change

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Standing at a roundabout to the future

Reluctant to traverse this threshold

Into an existence that feels obscure

Into the darkness of the unforetold

Once across there is no returning

Beyond the border of tomorrow

Yesterday is gone, just a yearning

Not what you knew but what you know

Winds of change blow through time

They are neither hostile nor benign

Listen carefully to hear the chime

For change will come without a sign

There exists no door between the two

What comes and goes swirls in the wind

The future is a mixture of old and new

The vortex of time where both will bend

Sliding up and down the scale of range

Between the present and the past

It’s all relative, it is only change

Depending on which way the wind is cast


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Tom Doolan

Sat 10th Aug 2024 19:37

Time marches relentlessly on. We are living a dream.

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Manish Singh Rajput

Sat 10th Aug 2024 12:34

"Winds of change blow through time
They are neither hostile nor benign
Listen carefully to hear the chime
For change will come without a sign."
Excellent, my friend. I loved it, as always!😊

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sat 10th Aug 2024 10:36

Thanks Tim.
"The vortex of time where both will bend
Sliding up and down the scale of range
Between the present and the past".

I've always maintained that time doesn't exist, that it's an illusion.
How small we are in the scheme of things- despite all our "advances" in scientific knowledge, we still need to describe particle physics in terms of "string" theory-I'll shut up now before I tie myself in knots!

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Stephen Gospage

Sat 10th Aug 2024 08:39

A fine, thoughtful poem, Tim, and the illustration complements it.

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