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I have read him a thousand times
He is a man who does not care for rhyme

Yet his words melt into one another
Like chocolat oozing over mountains
Or soft eggs meeting soldiers 
On a sleepy Sunday morning

I look for a reason
He tells me not to pander ~
The masses will never be happy
He says I should write what I know

Delve into my soul
Paint the flowers 
That in my garden grow

I should not seek validation
From those who could never

My eyes throw shadows 
At him
He refuses to say
That which I yearn to hear

I will read him again
But I know
His answer will always
Be the same.
Clare Kinnaird, 2024.


◄ Erosion.

Moonlight Lover. ►


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ZTK Space

Tue 13th Aug 2024 11:03

I am not 'people.'

I am Leviathan Space Warrior from constellation N07853ASDFLKJHG round the corner from constellation N6236ZXCV which is next door to N44BNM where a fine restaurant selling fish and chips I frequent, near Pluto.

Happy to make your acquaintance Earthling. Let me know if it is perhaps Salt and Vinegar you may want to experience one weekend soon once I leave constellation NQWERTY666 where I am currently shopping, for flip flops, grollies, sunglasses and what have you.

And wotnot, which is nothing to do with winnetts, which you can gain treatment for on constellation NUIOP666AGAIN.

Let me know if you need assistance!

Muchado Earthling and, see you soon.


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Mon 12th Aug 2024 15:00

ZTK Space - Thank you for such an in depth critique. I am always intriqued to know how my work sits with people. Much appreciated. 🤗

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ZTK Space

Mon 12th Aug 2024 07:00

I like this poem Clare.

The opening references rhyming couplets perhaps, yet you give only a scant reference to the technique as the poem reads on.

The content is wonderful. You're looking for reasons to critique a particular person yet find yourself still within the realms of an adoring love.

You wait for those words but that wait is both a frustration and a 'turn on.'

It is quite a piece of prose whereby I hope the man one day regrets his ignorance and tells you........

........ I love you.

He'd be a fool not to but, would he then bore you???

You're Fine Clare..........Fine.

Nice one


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