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Tea Biscuits

Tea Biscuits

The call centre rep turned the gal's life upside down

She was state apparatus gal married to a serving cop

The rep was a historical Soviet communist

He called the gal to see how she was his calls were ignored

It came out she fled to her relative away from the city

6 months pregnant by the red rep plus 3 kids with the cop

His calls and texts went thru to the cop did he know who was calling?

The rep the cop threatened to shoot dead for grinding his ex

Now with a lizard in her big fat belly a baby red commie nipper

How this would enrage the cop who wants to get even and more

How will this all end best friends’ tea and biscuits?

The state apparatus gal with a lizard by a communist agent



call centredifferent agentscommunism

◄ 19/31


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