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Sacred Secret


I answer Yes

We can say

      you'll meet me later. It's later now

And a man

     walks up a hill, probably steep

          his eyes aren't closed, he's winded at the top

but happy

We made it

                  he says to the joy he's carrying

He can put it down now

                              let the joy run around joyously without stop



You got my letter, late last night

                                 then another in the morning

              with a promise existing

and another in the moonlight

                              on the pier

                                      you read it

                                              smoked your pipe

watched the ocean and knew

i was the one for you


You adore courting me in secret from afar

                   I do as well


But I know a sacred secret

                               you perhaps do not


It will be so much better, deeper, sweeter, stronger by far

Once you start kissing me



◄ Beyond

Sword without a Shine ►


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