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Shaking faith

Recently my demons have been kicking the absolute living positivity out of me! 

The outcome of which would have me in misery, adding to the equations of life's trickery,

And I know why,

But will not admit it,

Because I'm afraid for the life of my spirit. 

Convinced that it was the devil sent to test me,

Lost my job my enthusiasm and empathy,

without all of that what's really left to see? 

Striped of my spirituality, plunged into depravity. 

Although at the moment life ain't fun I'm quietly convinced that life ain't done,

Pick up some weights or go out for a run,

Only When my legs don't weigh a ton! 

I can't really work because I'm not very well, 

But the bills keep rising and they are threatening me with hell, 

To late I guess tho as I've already rang the bell,

And the demon standing there I know quite well, yet still shocking to see,

The demon and devil that answered.....was me. 





◄ Fallish boy

Blonde Girls & Black Mercedes ►


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