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Long slevees

Cut hair


Hell yeah

I trust her 

With my soul

She says I shouldn't though


Buts she shouldn't 

trust me either

We watch the world burn

We laugh about it

She could kill me

No dought about it

I don't think she will

So let's just hope

In the good of humanity


Let's listen to shitty music

Crush on gay guys from tv

Let's sit on the floor for hours

Planing our dream weddings

We'll be housemates when we're older

Let's live out our teenage dreams


I don't know what I'd do without her

I have friends "many more"

But noone is quite like her

I trust her with everything

But I don't tell her anything


I swear I could

But I don't know when I would

Spill my guts out to her

Cause I know she'd be cool with it

Let's back track a bit

Cause I don't trust her spilling shit

Cause I know she's prone to accidents

Cause this morning

She punched me in the eye

She apologized

It hasn't brused

It's fine



◄ Stuck

Nature's child ►


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