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Four Stations


Four Stations,

stumbling steps,


life’s precepts.


The hand of peace,

a step toward,

that distance cease

with loves reward.


Four Stations,

walking tall,


breaks our fall.


Through perilous night

our journey’s wind,

yet we shed light

when we are kind.



There are numerous accounts of "The Stations of The Cross" the maximum number of stations in the accounts seems to be fourteen. There are four Stations within the journey which reflect points at which a kindness was shown to Christ and on one occasion a kindness possibly shown by him.


This piece centres upon kindness, its rewards and its importance on all our journey's.


Although I am an atheist I do believe in the likelihood of the man "Jesus" I see no reason why atheists cannot utilise scripture to glean life lessons.


I had originally entitled this "Fourteen Stations" but decided to focus on the four stations which demonstrate kindness.   



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David RL Moore

Mon 9th Sep 2024 09:19

Thanks for the recent likes.

I have added some notes which may be of interest to some.

Thanks again.

David RL Moore

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David RL Moore

Sun 8th Sep 2024 17:01

Thanks for the early likes on this folks


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