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I see someone from time to time,

Thriving to be substantially fine;

Previously vivacious and evergreen,

Until the unpredictables were seen.


She sits alone on a mediocre bench,

Still, consumed by unknowables,

Unbothered by the world around

Like she's laying in a deserted trench.


There are healing cuts on her hand,

There are unhealed cuts on the tree,

They stare at eachother, eye-level,

As the moments momentarily freeze.


Some days, the summer-blazing-sun

Chooses not to expeditiously run,

While some days, the pouring sky 

Decides not to concisely pry. 


There echoes two grateful hearts,

Lively, botanically breathing;

I see one beautiful, bodied soul,

Not thinking anymore about fleeting. 


I remember her curiosities oozing out,

And her heart predominantly beating,

I seldom see that revealing resemblance,

Not thinking anymore about fleeting. 



suicide prevention

◄ A Patch of Light

Rage ►


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Manish Singh Rajput

Wed 11th Sep 2024 14:28

Thank you very much, Stephen! I almost thought it went unnoticed.

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Stephen Gospage

Wed 11th Sep 2024 06:17

I don't know why, but I love the concept of a 'mediocre bench', Manish.

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Manish Singh Rajput

Tue 10th Sep 2024 14:56

Thank you very much Graham and Tim for your kind comments, it means a lot to me.😊

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Tim Higbee

Mon 9th Sep 2024 15:22

I seldom see that revealing resemblance,

Not thinking anymore about fleeting.

Nicely written, Manish. There is much to reveal in these neatly packed verses.

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Graham Sherwood

Mon 9th Sep 2024 11:42

I particularly like V3 and V6

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