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september 10th, 2024


3:55 am


the world is asleep

i'm lost in my mind

a collision of reality & uncertainty


i lie awake at night

wondering who & where i'll be

today, tomorrow, and the next


i am a new person

tattoos mark my skin

ink forever fading into the sun


a body of stained glass

pieces of old & new

a collection of memories


time is moving fast

it's out of my control

i need to live in the present


when will things change?

i've been praying for a miracle

i could use one right now


i'm drowning in my thoughts

stuck in a place i've never felt at home

with people i don't even know


writing is my escape

this world i've been living in

i want to leave


a new country awaits

experiences to be had

from strangers to friends


i have goals & dreams & bucket lists

i can't do this alone

i need a hand


the red thread of fate

a myth meant for soulmates

someone you meet once in a lifetime


at the right time & place

we found each other

intertwined by a butterfly effect


8 billion people

only one of you & one of me

why did we meet?


from our first encounter until now

i never thought we'd still be here

isn't that incredible


after all this time

through the good & bad

you've never left my side


thank you for being a part of my life

don't go

please stay


5:24 am


◄ life

lost ►


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