The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Clueless One


Share with me your treasure

Of never quite grasping danger

Or understanding crueler intentions

Teach me to see through the ugliness

To see the simple beauty, I overlook

How is your heart so radiant, so open

What guards you from darkness and cruelty

Laughter escapes you freely

The smile lingers on your lips and in your eyes

Others think you clueless, like a little child

Your desires are not of things that they desire

They are confused by your compassion and love

Your smile and your freedom unrestricted by fear

Something in your joy seems uncomprehensive

Living in the moment, in the wonderment of life

How can I unclutter my mind, throw-out the nonsense

Live in your amazing world of unrestricted happiness

To unburden the complications of adapted anxiety

People call you clueless or simple because your free

You are an adult with the heart and joy of a child

Free to experience the richness of live in its purest form

You have something that others have forever lost

Freedom, true freedom from the need to impress

Freedom from the need for fame, prosperity or power

Freedom to laugh and dance, to be simply you

Let your clueless mind infect the air around you

So, for a minute in time I may be clueless too

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Tim Higbee

Mon 23rd Sep 2024 16:10

Thank you, Manish for your comment and your kindness.
Thanks to those of you that took the time to read and summit a like, I appreciate it.

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Manish Singh Rajput

Fri 20th Sep 2024 15:00

Being clueless sometimes is also a great therapy. I could relate with this on many levels.
"throw-out the nonsense
Live in your amazing world of unrestricted happiness
To unburden the complications of adapted anxiety"
Excellent, my friend!
Thank you for this.

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