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Can’t Get Close

Dancing, prancing across the floor

I lap it up and want some more

The tempo increases as does the heat

We glide around gyrating to its beat


The music, famous in the sixties

Excites us, drives us, now it’s the remixes

I’m thinking why I like you the most

But somehow I just can’t get close


We talk, I listen, you seem mysterious

Either that or your cautious, more serious

It’s almost as if there’s an outer shell

That’s fragile, tender, vulnerable as well


Why is it I feel that I can’t get close?

I can’t assume you even like me I suppose?

My problem is I over think

pushing myself unnecessarily over the brink

of self destruction at times

Causing me to write these rhymes


But no matter how hard I try

It’s like you draw me close

Just to look into my eyes

Then just as quickly push me away

And I live to fight another day


You smile and I sense some affection

But your situation perhaps drags you

in a different direction, so then you’re

unable to let anyone in,

to a place where only you have been


I think it’s best for me to give up

Let it all go and take a second look

I don’t want to be sad and feel morose

It’s just no use, I can’t get close
From '100 More Reasons for Rhyme' by Rick Varden

◄ A Means To An End


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