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My Weekly WalkaboutsVerse, E.G., Poem 88 of 230:  FROM 20TH-CENTURY SEXUALITY



From one-lover to free-lover to fee-lover,

    For children’s sakes, let’s fashion back to one-lover:

In public-life there are - guess what - women and men;

    Thus, upbringing’s best by a woman and a man -

Not by one or two men, or one or two women,

    And not in a tug-of-war of women and men.


(C) David Franks 2003 -

◄ Walkabout With My Pen (Chants from Walkabouts - 1)


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David Franks

Sun 22nd Sep 2024 20:01

When I repatriated/Blair came into power in 1997, it was illegal/against the "rules," Uilleam, for same-sex couples to adopt. Of course, we should accept same-sex relationships but children's rights MUST come first - i.e., that was one example of a change in policy for the worse.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sun 22nd Sep 2024 12:38

“Not by one or two men, or one or two women,”
According to whose / which “rules”, David?

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David Franks

Sun 22nd Sep 2024 12:23

Agree, Uilleam, of cases where a child is better off with a single-parent than in an "abusive relationship" but, overall, stand by what I've said; & we really get married/committed when we have a child.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sat 21st Sep 2024 21:07

"For children’s sakes," David?
Tell that to the single mother of a little girl, who doesn't want to live in an abusive relationship.

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