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The Jingly Jib

you know he’s a Jib

the way you can tell

he jingles and jingles

like a jingly bell


but sometimes their jingle

mysteriously goes

then Jibs cry all day

and why, nobody knows


being a Jib

can often be tough

expected to jingle

and jingle with love


then on the days

where love is not felt

Jibs lose their jingle

and Jibs will then wilt


so if ever you see

a sad lonely Jib

give hugs and a smile

he’ll be jingly you did





◄ The Hapless Toad

The Donkey Set The Table ►


Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Wed 25th Sep 2024 09:26

Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me,
In the jingle-jangle morning I'll come following you
'Cos I just love the cut of your jingle jangle jib.

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