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Watching Our Words

These days do you find you are increasingly watching your words

to ensure you stay the right side of the line

to avoid giving cause for offence 

particularly to minorities?


Have you become scared of your own shadow

terrified of saying anything that could be misconstrued?

But are you being true to yourself

or are you speaking someone else's truth?



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Steve White

Thu 26th Sep 2024 19:09

Actually, no.

I'll sometimes take a pause over pronouns and I don't always get them right, but it's a learning process and asking doesn't hurt.

Otherwise, I'm pretty comfortable speaking my truth (male, straight, white, English) without fear of being misconstrued or causing offence unless that offence was intentional.

Interested to know if you think fear of being misconstrued is a you problem or a them problem.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Thu 26th Sep 2024 06:24

Good questions Reggie's.

Which minorities might they be then?
Muslims, Catholics, Jews, Communists, atheists, gay people, poets, authors, journalists, disabled people, sick people, small people, tall people, extremely rich people, extremely poor people?
I say live and let live, and treat everyone as you would wish to be treated.

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