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Meeting Me!

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now and again, without

warning or premonition

I am carried back, as if

abducted to a time and

place from my past,


an eerie in-body,

out-of-body chill

washes over my senses,

my mother had a saying

that it felt like someone had

just trod over her grave,


so clear is the illusion that

I can sometimes smell a

familiar aroma, a specific

scent that also conveys a taste

to the rear of my tongue,


by and large these

excursions are agreeable

pleasing visitations to

briefly meet people and

recall places that have

sculpted the important

shapes, directions and

choices of my life,


whilst these peculiar

sensations are initially

somewhat disturbing being

almost worthy of a loss of

consciousness, I have

learned over time to

welcome such fleeting

para-mental trips as

portent opportunities

to hone my thinking


I am no afterlife believer

and do not subscribe to

spirit contact of any kind

but I feel these episodes are

taken down and dusted off

from the shelves of some

cerebral library within and

I am grateful for the chance

to be occasionally granted

a peek behind its doors


© GRS 9/24


◄ Together


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Manish Singh Rajput

Sat 28th Sep 2024 04:57

I loved this poem and really enjoyed reading this, Graham. I could very much relate with it, especially the last stanza. Brilliant!

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