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What is more fascinating than the close study of the created being? 

In her own way she laughs and then scoffs

and scolds in tormenting fun to the point where she searches your own eyes and coyly tries to look for answers about you in response to your teasing nature.


Even though it's early days there is a soul searching feeling of her fascinating ways that will not leave me.

I am convinced that whatever I find out

about her will meet all of my expectations.

Perhaps I will never complete my study of one so loving and affectionate as there is so much I will be unable to know or discover, I have no idea for instance of who was her Mother 


All most intriguing yes, but unsurprising?

A big No to that, because these are the expected characteristics of....

my lovely new cat!

From ’100 More Reasons for Rhyme’

By  ‘Rick Varden 2023

◄ House of Cards


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