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At At

there is a place at at at

it is by by by

which is near near near

not too far from from from

you can get there via via via

and to be honest it is nice to stay at at at

it’s up to you really


but if you do stay at at at

you might visit visit visit

from there go to to to

then, if time, see see see

not so scenic as as as

reminded me of of of

but again it’s up to you really


the hotels at at at

are similar to those in in in

quaint and cosy like like like

better than than than

so there, it’s nice at at at

with lots to do and see

but, as I’ve said before

it’s up to you really





◄ A Dinner’s Reprise


Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sun 29th Sep 2024 08:10

Thank you you you Clive.

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