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In the universe's grand atomic mix,
Protons, neutrons, and electrons fix,
But little do we know, a secret's in store,
Morons, the most abundant, and they're looking for more!

They're into marriage, with a passion so bright,
Reproduction's their goal, day and night,
Generating extra-population, with glee,
Unnecessary growth, a sight to see!

Protons and neutrons, in the nucleus reside,
Electrons orbit, with a gentle pride,
But morons, they multiply, with a reckless delight,
Overpopulating, with all their might!

They're the universe's most abundant particle, you see,
Morons, morons, everywhere, a comedy!
Their love for marriage, and babies galore,
Is a cosmic joke, we can't ignore!

So here's to the morons, and their reproductive zest,
May their population boom, be the universe's unrest!
For in the grand cosmic dance, of matter and space,
Morons, the most abundant, take the prize, with a silly face!

◄ Bible Twist

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