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Forgotten Humanity

In a world forsaken, where shadows reign
Pain's dark legacy, forever sustains
The echoes of anguish, a haunting serenade
A sorrow so profound, it cannot be swayed

Kindness lies dormant, a flickering flame
Compassion's warmth, lost in the cold, dark frame
Hearts once afire, with love's pure light
Now reduced to embers, in the dark of night

Sharing's a distant memory, a fleeting thought
Unity and friendship, a lost, forgotten plot
We stand alone, in this desolate land
Together we fall, hand in hand, lost in the sand

Greed's insatiable hunger, a toxic, deadly stain
Leads to desperation, an endless, hopeless pain
The system perpetuates, a cycle of despair
Inequality and injustice, a refrain that's always there

Those in power, with hearts of stone and ice
Leave the vulnerable, to suffer and sacrifice
Their cries are silenced, their voices unheard
Their future blurred, their hope, a distant word

We tried to rise, with a voice that whispered low
But the darkness consumed us, and our hopes did go
We took a stand, but our legs were weak
And the forces of oppression, our souls did seek

Personal sacrifice, a path we could not take
Awareness and empathy, a heart that could not make
Reform and balance, a dream that slipped away
A world of kindness, lost in the gray

Now we're left, with nothing but pain
A tragic reminder, of what could never be gained
For in the end, it was not meant to be
A world of love and kindness, lost at sea

In this bleak existence, we're forever doomed
To suffer and struggle, in a world that's lost its bloom
Where love's a distant memory, and hope's a fading light
We're left to face the darkness, and the endless, sleepless night.

◄ Self-Development

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