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In iron halls of sweat and toil, strength is forged,
Through muscles tempered like steel in the fire.
With each rep, each set, each challenge employed,
The body yields, and power begins to acquire.

But strength is not just physical, nor solely of might,
For agility dances on the wings of light.
Through running's rhythmic beat, walking's gentle stride,
Swimming's fluid motion, the body glides.

Yet, there's a third pillar, oft overlooked, yet grand,
The strength of luck, forged by the heart and hand.
For when we eradicate the shadows that would cling,
Negativity's dark veil, and let kindness be our wing.

Be genuine, honest, and true of heart,
A good human being, a work of art.
Malice, criticism, gossip, frustration's sting,
Let understanding be the balm that makes our spirit sing.

When bad luck's dark clouds gather, and fortune seems to flee,
Look inward, screen your actions, and ask with humility.
Am I aligned with the laws that govern the universe's rhyme?
Am I being true to myself, and the cosmic heart's prime?

For when we walk the path of righteousness, with heart full of cheer,
Luck's golden touch ignites, and dust turns to precious gear.
But fake identities, like autumn leaves, wither and fade,
No value attached, just a hollow, haunted shade.

So let us forge our strength, in body, mind, and soul,
Through kindness, honesty, and a heart that makes us whole.
For when we shine with inner light, luck's radiant beams unfold,
And we, like alchemists, turn dust to gold.

◄ Love

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