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We fought for freedom, or so we've heard,
For honor, security, and a really cool uniform.
Our nation's pride, our future's might,
But mainly for the right to shout, "We're right, and you're wrong, and na-na-na!"

With guns and bombs, we paved the road,
To independence, or so the tourist brochure showed.
Our honor intact, our freedom won,
But at what cost? Our sanity, lost in a bunker, having fun!

A nation without honor, lost and blue,
Will soon be ruled by Netflix, with ads, too!
No freedom for the cowardly and cold,
Unless they pay their subscription, and watch reruns old.

Higher justice rules, with an iron hand,
No freedom for poltroons, unless they have a really good plan.
Slaves can't have honor; it's simply a joke,
Unless they're slaves to cat videos, and endless smoke.

We fought for honor, for freedom's call,
But mostly for the thrill of shouting, "Charge!" and running through the hall.
For war is noble, the highest feat,
Said the generals, with their fancy seats, and really comfy feet.

◄ Dark Matter

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