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**The Unwritten Ending** 😉

It’s always better to leave things untold,  

A story without a final page,  

It gifts the reader a rush,  

An edge of their seat, filled with wonder,  

What could have been?  


That’s the magic of writing,  

To leave trails of mystery,  

Don’t wrap it all up,  

Let the reader roam in thoughts,  

Keeping their hearts racing,  

Curiosity glowing like a firefly.  


Half-cooked food has so much more to give,  

Why feast on the finished plate,  

When raw holds a taste of thrill—  

Let imagination stir the pot,  

Let conclusions simmer in their mind,  

With each bite, give room for dreams,  

The secret recipe tucked away,  

Just out of reach.  


A good chef knows the trick,  

To keep folks guessing,  

To share a meal that sparks desire,  

Each flavor speaks, but never the whole tale,  

Just enough to keep the craving alive,  

So readers taste, and remember—  

It will never taste the same,  

Each one’s experience uniquely theirs,  

Unraveled, searching for the why,  

After the last chapter fades away.


◄ The Mind, A Time Machine


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