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In twilight's suffocating shroud,
Melancholy's monster emerges, proud.
A ghoul of MDD, with grim design,
Stealing joy, leaving despair's dark shrine.

Sleep, a fugitive, flees from my door,
Weight loss, a specter, forever more.
Hopelessness, a noose, tightening each day,
Choking life, as darkness holds sway.

My heart, a heavy anchor, sinks to sea,
Anxiety's storm, forever raging me.
Fatigue, a crushing weight, presses down,
Appetite, a fleeting dream, lost in this town.

Concentration's fog, decisions lost at sea,
Death's dark whisper, "Give up, you'll never be."
Melancholy's chains, binding me tight,
A desperate cry, in endless, sleepless night.

Joy's spark, extinguished, lost in despair,
Worthlessness' cold light, my soul's bare.
Morning's darkness, symptoms worsen still,
Excessive guilt, my soul's eternal chill.

Psychotic features, a maze with no escape,
Melancholy's grip, my mind's eternal ache.
Treatment's hope, a lifeline, thin and frail,
Medication's aid, a temporary sail.

Break free, a distant dream, yet to be told,
Melancholy's chains, can be broken, I'm told.
Reach out, don't face alone, this heavy throne,
Melancholic depression's crushing stone.

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