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"The Hierarchy of Minds"

"In realms of intellect, a pyramid stands,
Where personalities are categorized by hands".

The Below Average
Gossipmongers, idle, and weak,
Jobs their sole focus, no vision to seek.
Available always, yet empty within,
Zero to offer, but expectations spin.
Ignored by betters, they waste away,
In insignificance, their lives gray.

The Average
Striving to learn, yet still confined,
Time management their constant grind.
Competing with selves, a noble quest,
Self-employment their ultimate test.
But limited scope, a glass ceiling high,
Stunts their growth, and they wonder why.

The Super Personality
Visionaries, time masters, and wise,
Nonsense repellers, with discerning eyes.
Unswayed by folly, they lead the pack,
Society changers, leaving their track.
Their standards high, uncompromising will,
A rare breed, standing tall still.

The Extra Advanced
Elusive, self-evolving, and divine,
Energy abounds, their spirit shines.
Yogis and saints, in contemplation deep,
Their wisdom ancient, secrets keep.
Untainted by mediocrity's stain,
They transcend, to higher planes gain.

The Mass
Beneath them, the masses dwell,
Unaware of their own mental hell.
Aspiring to rise, yet stuck in place,
Their potential wasted, a sorry face.

We, the enlightened, gaze from above,
Upon the pyramid, with condescending love.
Our minds refined, our vision clear,
We see the world, and those held dear.

◄ Illusive Reality "Cursed Mirror" ...

"Escape from the Shackles Into Financial Solvency : (What a Dream!)" ►


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