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"Beyond the Ordinary"

Grandmother's wisdom, sharp as a knife,
Cut through the noise, and ignited life.
"Child, don't chase jobs that suffocate soul,
Or marriage that cages, making heart grow old.

Don't seek fame that fades like morning dew,
Or identity built on others' view.
Boredom and repetition, a lifeless sea,
Drown not your dreams, in mediocrity.

Instead, claim time and money, tools of might,
To craft a life that shines, in morning light.
Stability and peace, a foundation strong,
For adventures awaiting, where you belong.

Embrace challenges that test your will,
And ignite passions, that your heart can fill.
Explore, discover, and create anew,
A life of purpose, born from dreams true.

What's a job, but a means to an end?
What's marriage, but love that transcends?
What's fame, but a fleeting, empty sound?
Don't settle, child, for a life unbound.

You have the power, to choose and design,
A life that thrives, where heart and soul align.
So dream big, and dream bold and free,
And make your mark, on humanity.

Grandson's eyes, with wonder aglow,
Drank in the wisdom, as his heart began to grow.
A new path unfolded, like a rising sun,
A life of adventure, just begun.

Grandmother's words, a guiding light,
Illuminated the journey, through darkest night.
The conversation, a turning point made,
A life of purpose, no longer delayed.


◄ "Universe's Grand Play"

"Unlocking Life's Maximum Potential" ►


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