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No freedom

No mask

    No imagining

        No love


Waking up

Forgotten words on my tongue


All these things are here in me


Every dream every reality

Every pang and stutter

    --the flutter in the roots to the rustle in the leaves

A birth


I Am

You Are


A soul

    A universe

        Awaiting A name

            Among Stars

◄ bell towers


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Landi Cruz

Fri 4th Oct 2024 00:58

I believe I understand completely, David--I often feel much the same. But then, it also often seems to me there's not a thought in my head.

"Interstellar" is a great film. And, yeah, the rabbit hole does go deep...

Was it the gnostics who subscribed to the idea that the physical realm of matter is itself corruption manifest?

..there's a distinct possibility that I would misrepresent the beliefs of others according to my own misunderstanding, so I won't go further.

If mankind ever does unravel the thread of creation, of what will he dream?

A good evening to you ) 🌷

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David RL Moore

Thu 3rd Oct 2024 08:15

Hi Landi,

I very much enjoyed this piece. It set me thinking but alas I could not muster an appropriate response or comment as the rabbit hole went too deep.

On the evening of reading it I attended the big screen anniversary of one of my now favourite films "Interstellar" now that really twisted my melon when interwoven with your text.


David RL Moore

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Landi Cruz

Thu 3rd Oct 2024 01:25

Thanks for the comment, Uilleam. 

Your words started me thinking early today about the story of Adam and his task to name the creatures which cohabited the earth in the days of Eden--my thoughts, at the moment, are branching out like tendrils in too many directions for which to account, though.

I will say that I had a class a couple of years ago with whom I did my best to study Of Mice And Men.  However,  even the most astute of them had very little interest. I tried to emphasize the many parallels with Genesis, but things I found obvious proved to be too much of an extraction for the teenage mind.  Anyway...

..I still find the idea that Curley's wife died without a name to be particularly poignant--though many might interpret her to be the temptress in the garden, she seems more to me the embodiment of arrested development.

Thanks to everyone for reading )


Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Wed 2nd Oct 2024 11:16

Thanks Landi.
"Awaiting A name"

...and it needs a human to name it! just imagine if some being existed who/which could give it a name other than the one we earthlings have given it....?

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