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The Lane

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Pitter-pattering, soft translucence,

An unseasonal summer rain,

Refuged 'neath low-slung boughs

In a tree-lined Cornish lane,


Fine mist-splattered spectacles

impairs sight with every spurt

Drip, drip, drip down the collar

Wetting this warming undershirt


Cascading from the leafed canopy

Tramping slowly to the ground

Flickering rainbows glisten

As diamonds in a royal crown,


Drumming rhythmically upon the bark

A pleasurable tympan-sounding tone

The sprayed waters twinkle, tinkle

From each leaf, downward thrown,


My mouth opened wide, capturing.

Sweetened drops of summer rain

Life no longer seeks urgency

Sheltered safe in this tree-lined Cornish lane


◄ Weathering love


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Russell Jacklin

Thu 3rd Oct 2024 09:26

Thank you Uilleam, I've become a lover of Alliteration, glad you like something in it, thanks for the comment

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Wed 2nd Oct 2024 13:27

Thanks JD. Can’t make my mind up whether it’s alliteration, consonance or what, but it works very nicely; wish I was there!

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