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A Rare Edition

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In Kilmarnock's print, a treasure lies,
A first edition, where history sighs,
From eighteen eighty-six, its verses flow,
Robert Burns’ heart, in dialect aglow.

Poems Chiefly In The Scottish Dialect,
Whispers of love, and nature’s effect,
Expected to fetch a princely sum,
Fifty to sixty thousand—oh, how it’ll hum!

Once just six hundred, a modest start,
Three shillings it cost, a work of pure art,
Yet within a month, the copies all gone,
Burns' voice, like a lark, sung sweet at dawn.

To A Mouse” and “The Twa Dogs” share,
Stories of life, in the Scottish air,
At twenty-seven, with passion he wrote,
A legacy penned in each heartfelt note.

Now just eighty-eight copies remain,
A glimpse of the past, a poet’s refrain,
As the auction approaches, the whispers grow loud,
For the magic of Burns, we all stand so proud.



◄ verse on a hill

no longer spectral, Brontës shall remain ►


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Red Brick Keshner

Thu 10th Oct 2024 10:59

Thanks to Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh and David RL Moore for your gracious words. You are much appreciated. 😊🌷🌷🙌

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Thu 10th Oct 2024 09:42

Thanks RBK.
My liking for Burns' poetry goes back to my teenage years. His work displays an affectionate human touch..." To a Mouse", etc.
I suspect he had "republican" instincts...for which I hold him in high regard.💗

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David RL Moore

Thu 10th Oct 2024 06:18

As a Son of Ayr I recognise the importance of Burns and how much he is loved.

That said he is not my favourite Scottish poet.

Your poem is testament to his enduring influence worldwide.


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