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Deep Sea Creatures

In profundity's dark, caliginous sway,
Lies an extraterrestrial realm, where life holds sway.
Within us, another nocturnal night,
Conceals subconscious shadows, in tenevous light.

Abyssal depths, where luminous orbs coruscate,
Bioluminescent beings, in perpetual, auroral state.
But in our souls, cryptic truths recluse and hide,
Memories, beliefs, and experiences, in silent, sepulchral tide.

Cataclysmic pressure, shapes life to thrive,
In eternal umbrage, creatures survive and strive.
Yet, inner turpitude, we dare not confront and face,
Afraid to confess, our hidden, secret, shameful place.

But just as deep-sea life adapts, we transcend and rise,
Embracing flaws, letting shadows reconcile and compromise.
For in darkness lies our true, unbridled might,
And integration brings redemption's resplendent, auroral light.


"Cartographers of Fate" / "Habits" ►


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