I am alone, let the candle burn as my thoughts may roam. In solitude I muse as silence beckons thoughts delude through the silt below the river flows.
My heart is young I have more dreams to be sung to the rising sun. Who knows what our prayers may hold for all we know our problems will be solved. Ruumination, thoughts repeating round and round. The cat jumps on by lap without a sound does he have dreams to be found.
In solitude, silence deafens thoughts defuse those you love will help you find your path within a path you can find from where you begin.
From chaos to order, order from chaos gospel to the blues. countenance divine from your love may shine.
Depression In succession no surprise but still I see the love light in your eyes in weeks days or seconds Spirit may arise.
Streams to rivers flow, progression from high to low vibration to elation, fourth to fifth dimension beyond imagination, liberation to ascension the stars fade away.
Who knows what a life may hold, my time is old I have more dreams to unfold until my day is done. The candle dies the tears burn my face How can my thoughts stray I cannot say.