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"Harmony of Paradox" - Opposites.

In the nucleus of heart, contrasts converge,
Sorrow's eclipse, Joy's luminescent emerge.
Pain's cartography, maps the inner terrain,
As darkness navigates, to radiant plain.

Sorrow's symbiosis, entwines with fear,
Joy's catalyst, transforms the tear.
Regret's ripple, resonates through the mind,
Yet, wisdom's resonance, leaves the heart aligned.

In the crucible of soul, opposites unite,
Light and darkness, alchemical sight.
Sorrow's gravity, anchors the heart's core,
Joy's buoyancy, lifts the spirit's score.

Through life's mosaic, pieces interlock,
Sorrow and Joy, an intricate block.
Emotions oscillate, pendulums in sync,
Balancing heart, harmonious link.

In shadows' hollow, light's seeds take flight,
Hope's phoenix rises, in sorrow's night.
Joy's resonance echoes, through the soul,
Healing heart's wounds, making whole.


◄ "Echoes"

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Graham Sherwood

Tue 15th Oct 2024 13:45

Multiple Posting

A small minority of Write Out Loud blog contributors persist in making multiple blogs per day, often as many as 5-10 poems in one visit.

Regular users will know that only the most recent entry is shown in full form on the blog section, any previously posted poems being archived underneath.

Whilst these archived poems are still available to be read by other contributors, they are very rarely revisited and as such are lost in the system.

The whole raison d’etre of WOL is for people to post and read other peoples’ poetry (and if they so wish, comment constructively on it).

Some WOL contributors construct their own personal blog page and include its address on their WOL profile, so that those interested in their work can easily navigate to a larger resource.

Whilst the WOL website will allow for over-posting, it was never its intention to be a repository for a contributors whole work. Indeed, in the introductory message when joining the site, contributors are advised to have a separate resource as WOL cannot be held responsible for any accidental losses.

I hope those involved will heed this message and follow our recommended way forward.

In the meantime, enjoy your poetry!


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Tue 15th Oct 2024 13:35

Yes! Perfect description of the Yin-Yang.

Not that I know what Yin-Yang means.

But as an ancestral Chinese, I have the right to give you the full credit for your brilliance!

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