The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Trust in God And Don't Keep the Offences!

entry picture

Don't trust the sweet words of a stranger

If you don't want to get into the danger.

Sweet words may raise you to the clouds,

But you better run away without doubts.



And having bitten into your trust like a snake,

He will be wrapped in a trustworthy fake.

And then right on your field of fight,

He will try to prove that he is right.



Neither the darkness nor the light

Will help you in the cruel fight.

Unfortunately, you interfere in their life.

You are the reason for a new strife.



Never forget who crucified our Christ.

That day of betrayal was far from the fest.

The calling of scoundrels is cowardness.

The calling of Jesus is faithfulness.



So, you should be more careful and merciful!

Trust the timid word and be the faithful.

It's so harmful to bathe in the words of Flatter.

But don't you ever think that it doesn't matter?



I know the shackles of cunning embraces,

There are sharp knives of envious glances.

Judas's flattering words sound like honey.

Trust in God the rest is just funny.



©Larisa Rzhepishevska





◄ To Be Spoiled By Love Is Impossible

I Thank Both, You And My Trustworthy Lord ►


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