The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

Fading Away


You searched for yourself, but could not be found

Not in the future or present, not even in the past

It seems so absurd; you know you’ve been around

Even though you’re not sure where you spotted you last

Can’t remember life’s perspective or a personal affirmation

As you teeter here at the precipice of today’s eternity

You try to speculate when the changes had begun

When was it that your existence decided to flee

Your reflections expose a translucent face

Floating in the shifting mist of ambiguity

Meandering through unspecified barren space

Voices murmur from a distance, unintelligibly

Colors dim to mutated shades of worn pastel

Existence shifting to scenes altered and surreal

Other aspects and intricacies now left without detail

And rummaging through reality no longer has its appeal

Your metaphysical mind swirls aimlessly in the haze

No more reflective observations, nothing left to say

As it all mystifyingly transmutes into a misty grey

That no one seems to notice as you quietly fade away


◄ She Shall Return


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Manish Singh Rajput

Fri 1st Nov 2024 14:06

This is by far one of my favourite poems of yours, Tim. It's like you've written exactly what was going on in my mind. Thank you very much for this.

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