My broken mission
I want to go into journalism
Cause I'm a kid with
a broken mission
I want to help spread
What's going on
On this strange side
Of the giant pond
The cult fliers
In school bus stops
The ai teams
Trying to mess with us
All the other
Fucked up stuff
Cause what the hell
Is going on
People say
That my job
Will be overtaken
By robots
I don't know
But I hope not
Cause the industry's
Already fucked
I'm just a kid
Scared of the news
Scared of what it can do
But I want to help
The future kids
Who's only goal
Is to exist
To know what's happening
And who doesn't
want them existing
I just want them to know
What to do
Cause right now
We are all confused
So I want to
Spread the news