It's always those who think against
the norms and rules accepted by
the mass of people in whose name
such laws are made who stand unfenced,
unfettered by the common lie,
who know that special kind of fame
which marks them out as heroes,
who write their place in history's
book with valour and distinction.
Would that all men shunned their egos
and took to heart the mysteries
of freedom, and sought extinction
of the drive to enslave others,
to dominate, through sheer, brute force,
or in their greed for capital,
making fodder of their brothers,
degrading truth as something coarse
and crude, and then, to cap it all,
selling serfdom as liberty;
for only when mankind is free,
and only then, once we've evolved
beyond our present poverty
and can such new horizons see
will mankind's problems thus be solved.
MP 31124