Keepin it Real
The twinkle in the eye, a sly remark in the dim light, a healing notion in the otherwise sleepy evening. He lists down his likes for those to appreciate for those to understand for those who come by and see him take his stand. His stand for reality, his stand for imagination, his stand to take a stand, his stand for the good of man. The plan is simple. Be good be decent try not to fuck up too much. Be kind to the ones you love and try not to take your shit out on them. Its hard trust me. You want to scream at the world, yell at the spinning of the earth, harass the void with all your might and destroy that that will make you not happy. Impossible my friend. Happiness is but a fleeting moment. A slight breeze, a giggle at her giggle, a sly smirk, a great sandwich. These are the things of love mon ami and the same goes for all of you as well. Look at me and see one who is afraid one who is a slave to their own emotion, anxieties, fears. depression etc etc.
She looks down the hallway hearing his steps as he saunters to the bathroom in the middle night. I hope it's a good one she thinks. It shall be my love. She steps out of her lacey dream and on the cold floor of reality or awakens or conscious or whatever you want to call it.
Just don’t tell me to keep it real.