This Is An Ode To Reason
This is an ode to reason:
It's not very poetic either,
yet covered in chocolate chunks (how about that?!).
It's me, wanting a crisis, because it brings out the best in me. :S
Oddly, (and I'm an oddball), but I can't seem to "millennially"
fit into the social-media stereotype.
And you know: How I don't like judging; things I don't know or understand
but I judge, and I don't want this blogpost too lengthy.
You see I'm rattling, and it's not even really poetic either...
My brain works best with a lot of commas. Or should it be psyche?
Just give me a pause, to think! For fuck's sake (ffs)!@#$%^&*
This isn't the Age of Reason.
This is the Age of Nosaer: because there are no seers left to reason with.
It's become more like a rant against anti-reason.
That's how unpoetic things can get.
But you could still read, like and/or comment.
That's reasonable, isn't it?