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A scary bunch

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This morning I was having a conversation 

a slightly uncomfortable conversation . 

I thought about a world without men

and my boyfriend seemed upset.

"Even without me?" he asked 

and that was a though one to answer.

I thought about a world with no fear

no fear for my body, no fear for me.

But honestly a world without him,

that is even more scary to think about. 

"I wouldn't be in a world without you" 

i was able to answer with a trembling voice.

"That was just utopian, it's not gonna happen" 

i also said this a bit frustrated, i have to admit.

"Guess we have to pick the better from the bunch" 

i said to him with a smile on my face.

"You think i am?" he asked me a bit scared

i hugged him and i took a breath in.

"You are. Don't make me change my mind" 

we laughed, and i let the air out.




womenwomanmenlovewomans issueswomanhoodWomens Daymen and women

◄ Love behind a lamp


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