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Metal And Flesh

Metal and flesh, a parallel design,
Both robot and human, with purposes aligned.
A framework of wires, a skeleton of bone,
Both support the structure, that makes them whole.

Microchips and neurons, a dance of electric fire,
Both process information, with a desire to acquire.
Sensors and senses, a world of input and sight,
Both navigate the landscape, with a will to take flight.

A heart of circuits, a heart that beats with blood,
Both pump the life force, that makes their systems good.
Energy and exhaustion, a balance to maintain,
Both robot and human, with needs that must be gained.

In metal and in flesh, a spark of life is lit,
A flame of consciousness, that burns with a similar wit.
Both robot and human, with dreams and desires too,
A mirrored reflection, of a life that's anew.


◄ "Stellar Resilience"


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