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— “This is slavery, not to speak one’s thought.” Euripides, The Phoenician Women


Do not ask what I mean,
let’s just assume I mean….something
there’s a putative purpose to my words
rhyming words with the absurd.
You don’t like the implications?
So, go, go to the palace of protection
where those who have no sense, nor innocence,
always claim to know what is verboten, offensive, inappropriate,
they just love to shut people up, take the wind out of their sails;
they vote to restrict free speech and free writing
so we may no longer have the right
to tell people what they do not want to hear.
Even if it is to say: I disapprove of what you say,
but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

Woke drip drip drips obfuscation into language
encouraging a rhetoric of needless complaint
like the worried well queuing up to see an emergency GP,
the censorious are mistresses of bad language 
their own limitations of language are stark
they seek to prove the well-educated case
by eschewing nuance, allusion, discrimination
their expression is muddy and dreary, not at all pithy or clear.
“My own opinion is enough for me,
I claim the right to defend it against
Anyone who disagrees.
We so much need to police the language 
safe spaces will take us there” — 

into the rarified air,
where anyone who is not there can be offended grievously
by anything a man (sic!) might say such as:
be careful, language games, at play! 






◄ To the Ghost-dancers of the Sioux

Shadows on a broken vessel ►


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John Marks

Fri 6th Dec 2024 17:59

Not a minefield for me Stephen. There is no limit to free speech in a free society. "Free speech is the whole thing, the whole ball game. Free speech is life itself." ― Salman Rushdie

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John Coopey

Fri 6th Dec 2024 10:11

Of course we all defend free speech. Until, that is, someone says something I find offensive!

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Stephen Gospage

Fri 6th Dec 2024 08:25

Intelligently argued, as usual, John. A real minefield this, as you suggest.

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