Southern Lights
The lights you seek are not these ones, these are mine
I shall explain more in time
As I have searched far and wide
Yet these are the most beaufitul I find
Unique, like tears in the snow
I share these lights with the Emporer, Leopard and Crabeater
With an hour of sunlight, there's nothing more sweeter
Than to sit and watch the carnival of light above
On my own, as the cold kisses like an old love
Left with a cold wind and thoughts of home
I have chosen these shores as my tomb
Left naked and stranded in the womb
Like a baby unborn, I seek to know more
I escaped a home of light and warmth
Yet nothing I touched offered comfort or calm
So I sit in the snow with the noises and sights
As the dance in the sky illuminates my loss, sadly and nothing more
Most seek beauty to enlighten and rest
But what is beauty when you're numb and bereft
What hope is there if hope there is not
When inside, I'm askewed and adjecent like a shoelace knot
So I sit and wait for time to end
Wrapping a rope around me to descend
In the cold breeze of eternity
I wait and hope for certainty