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From The Great State Of Denial

I've done enough for others;

more than enough.

Especially for Earth.


Blown many-a-whistle

crawled through thorn&thistle.


Basements and cellars in North-Holland are flooding...

Don't tell me that's not worth the news~!@#$%^&*

Just tell me, when did you forsake the truths

did you forsake the truce

for more bad news. 


So if these lands will overflow;

So will my cup. 

And if these nations shall flood

it shall wash away His Blood. 

And if these countries shall wash away

in this household I will stay

untill the final day.


Still I hope you change your mind:

turn the facts into a smile:

from the great state of denial. 


Make a priority shift.

Or make your priorities shift.


From The Great State Of Denial

◄ This Year I'm Thankful

Still Beating For Human Touch ►


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