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A Lot Like You

I take the long way home 

After spending the evening with you.

I watch the city lights' contrast,

And the shadows that the 

Edifices effortlessly cast.


The wind carrying your love 

Follows me until I reach home,

And no matter what the cost,

I'd limitlessly spend every 

Pound and dollar and ruppee 

To witness this luminous feeling. 


I reckon there's no better healing 

Than healing another with love;

Your inexplicable scars and wounds

Are somehow mine to heal,

It took me a long time coming 

But I'll love you till your 

Brown ocean turns teal. 


The chilled midnight puts me to sleep,

And I take you along with me 

To the garden of daisies 

And the realm of fantasies 

Until I smell a lot like you

Before the mid-morning could 

Wipe away the last crystal dew. 



◄ Let Be

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