Waiting Room
we all sit facing the front
on chipped tubular steel chairs
each crudely marked with a sharpie,
‘X-Ray’ evidently some are known to
have escaped as far as A&E,
obediently we await our call
silently ill-at-ease, contemplative,
but there is one exception, a gorgon
who enters, child in tow, for whom
nothing has ever been, or ever will be,
satisfactory and quickly we learn about
her entire complex medical history,
unwittingly we have become the audience
of a circus of the peculiar, a mismatched club
that none of us have consciously paid to join,
a stream of variety acts on trolleys
parade past like buses, often in threes
carrying pallid deathly patients, who
wince and grown to garner sympathy
as they are wheeled carefully by as if
for our perusal,
© Graham R Sherwood 1/25
Graham Sherwood
Thu 9th Jan 2025 09:43
I hope none of the above causes offence. I have to add that my wife received an exemplary service.