The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 35 days, 20 hours. Get details and Enter.

Little boy John.

Little boy John, who loves too much, with his tiny eyes and dreamy mind. He was the sunshine of their lives. He let them see the world with a smile. Who could destroy that kind of heart? A noble guy is a risk for their wicked lullabies. They need some strings, a knife, and some stitches in your mouth to drown in your cry.

Little boy John, a believer on their knees, praying for anything but him. They say it’s a common way to fix something that was never broken, should you pretend? It doesn’t matter how dark it turns out, they need to get fed before they punish you with grief, tears in your room, the moon on the roof, drain your pain, but never say something about what you felt.

Little boy John, you left your feelings in a cage, since they laughed at your thoughts, saying they were unchained words for a well-behaved child, as they were a weird specimen, then you erased the color in your hands to not leave some trace behind, and ran as fast as you could before the bullets in their eyes reach your state of mind, will be forever enough?

Little boy John, running is not an antidote, it’s a drug that you will need more to cover the scars of your secret life. Why does a good boy always suffer too much? You gave everything for their dreams, your blood, tears, and peace, but that was just the price of maintaining calm for a while. They're monsters of disaster, they will never stop, they will never care, and they need someone to cover their sins.

Little boy, John, always reaching for change, but you know it's hard to look away when you see something you want, crimson sky, cobalt eyes, the storm started that Monday night, and suddenly the walls of molarity collapsed, ending the war of my life, no more modesty, no more quiet guy, no more people pleaser, no more rules in the land of my mind, just the smile of an angel was enough to realize this was me, the chrysanthemums blooms.

John, little boy, you’re not ill, you're not a waste, you’re not another sheep that went away, you're an invaluable star who was trapped in a cold house.

John, little boy, tastes love.

John, just be brave.


◄ “What if…?”

Would you still love me? ►


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