All the Wild Horses
Shropshire’s rolling hills
envelope our route,
overlooking the path like
a roughly shaken blanket,
the billowing domes squatting
gently astride its valleys,
this morning the sun rose
secretively behind the Ragleth
and feigned to hide for a time
throwing a rich orange smudge
across the skyline before coyly
showing its pale face,
we walked up to see the wild ponies
on the Carding Mill path, a jigsaw
of ice, mud and stones,
walkers scrambling like multi-coloured
beetles across the stream to
avoid parts of the frozen path,
the ponies, some pregnant, stood
impassively curious, if a tad stern,
as if we had no right to intrude
upon their Sunday morning,
but it was the treacherous footing
that curtailed our stroll
and the lure of hot chocolate
from the busy cafe
© Graham R Sherwood 1/25
Stephen Gospage
Tue 14th Jan 2025 07:28
Very vivid description, Graham. I have become very familiar with the 'jigsaw' of ice and mud in our local nature reserve in the past few days.