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"Beyond the Realm of Reason"

In the realm of reason, a map is drawn,
A terrain of thoughts, where logic is sworn.
But the landscape of emotion, a different tale unfolds,
A world where feelings reign, and wisdom is told.

A chef who cooks with love, but cannot explain,
The secret ingredient that makes the dish sustain.
A musician who composes with passion, but cannot define,
The melody that echoes, and touches the divine.

A poet who weaves with words, but cannot rationalize,
The rhythm that flows, and the emotions that realize.
A lover who gives with heart, but cannot justify,
The love that overflows, and the soul that multiplies.

For in the realm of emotion, the why is not the key,
The path is not the destination, but the journey we see.
The result is not the answer, but the feeling we hold,
The emotional attachment, that makes the experience unfold.

A child who laughs with glee, without a reason why,
A sunset that glows with beauty, without a rational sigh.
A dream that inspires with wonder, without a logical clue,
A work of art that moves with emotion, without a rational pursue.

For emotions are the cartographers, that map the human soul,
They chart the depths of feeling, and make the heart whole.
They guide us through the journey, of life's joys and fears,
And help us find the meaning, through laughter and through tears.

◄ "Cosmic Turmoil"

"Echoes of the Soul" ►


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