The Plight of the Footprint
The Plight of the Footprint
There is,
a snide or two, with money, with agendas,
within a self pious realm only ‘they,’ agree with.
There are those,
from Darnhill or Devils Kitchen,
Soweto and beyond -
no understandings or knowingness
of the vile and disgusting with…….
There is a soul crying out,
there is a soul crying out and, -
it is not beholden to machinations of money,
money that a, ‘class act’ worship more, more than the footfalls
of sorrow that make deep depressions upon sand;-
those of soul ‘they,’ declare have no validity, in being!
‘we are a ‘one,’ but they try so desperately – keep us unknowing.’
There is a snide, bares a colour of this, or that,
and keen to populate a stank but………..
………..Enlightenment is not born of congregations of segregations,
it is a knowingness beyond flat sided comprehensions of dedicated
sociologists, and their psychologist ally in fake;- that,
……… “has their understanding in humanism that transgresses
the manufactured bridges to, fraud!”
We like to think ourselves as, compassionate and multi,
yet, it ain’t no white nigga, or black conservative or any of the
prolific memes of doubt that knows us as humanoid in all our splendour,
‘It is in knowing, we all have an equal and valid
right to a free existence for the soul;
is non gendered, none coloured,
none of wealth or money,
none of bulshit lines of heraldry,
none of the fake papacy or kuran,
none of those sinister memes and none,
of politic.
To be an angel, an empath and sentinel,
is to know, and recognise the snide -
that wants to take you down by forming opinions that;-
‘You’re in one of the above pigeon holes and check boxes -
that 'we,' created for you!’
“all, are, equal, except the snide, they feel above you, and reluctant to join your humanism.”
Michael J Waite. For Nina. 17th January 2025.