The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 35 days, 20 hours. Get details and Enter.

A cloudy day at the crem: a punk's funeral

1,2,3 I'm just waiting here, full of fear,
of what will be, will be.
I can't get around anymore 
the coffin's at the front, near the door.
Flames behind curtains,
at the end of the craic,
God knows I loved him
so that is that.
He was the one who spoke
reason, to me
we walked by the river
he yearned to be free
I stare at his tombstone
it sits in my heart
there's a vision between us
and now we're apart
You'll never see the old conker tree,
I weigh up your madness
not much different from me.
But you never cried, did you?
Not even when the veils of the world
slipped away from you.
Now there's no life left for you
not even for one more day.










People throw their hearts at strangers, don't they? ►


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